Reverse Engineering Videos to Ensure YouTube Viewers Want Them

Reverse Engineering Videos to Ensure YouTube Viewers Want Them

YouTube is now and will forever be an interictal part of any SEO campaign. The reason for this is simple…YouTube is actually a huge search engine. Think about it when you are looking for information on how to do something or how a product might perform, you often find yourself at YouTube typing in a search. Well, so do millions and millions of others. Therefore, it’s easy to see that you do, in fact, need to be involved with YouTube. But how do you ensure you create videos that people will want to see? The answer is to reverse engineer your videos.

One of the great things about YouTube is the audience is already there. No matter what you have to sell or show, there are people literally chomping at the bit to devour what, you put out. The issue is that there are tons of other video producers on YouTube, and many of them are trying to tell the same story you are. In other words, competition is huge. But you can get your fair share of views by first understanding the audience you want to capture. This is the reverse engineering process at its best.

Essentially, you’ll find what your niche audience is looking at and therefore figure out what they want to see. How do you do this…act as if. Act as if you were one of the people you want to market your videos to. What keywords and phrases would you type into YouTube’s search bar? Experiment with a few, not just one, and soon you’ll begin to see a pattern of video types coming up. Take note of the style and pace of the top videos, and be sure to check out how they write their titles and descriptions.

Once you have an understanding of what your audience is already looking at, you can get to work on creating video content that is similar in nature yet still authentic and original. Of course, it cannot be understated that SEO practices here are a must. You need to focus on quality videos that will speak to your target audience. Make it a rewarding experience for your viewers, and they will start to smash that like button and follow your feed. This will see them coming back for more and see your YouTube success explode.

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